It’s been about 2 years since I’ve been on the grid, and this is due to personal life circumstances, and at times wondering if my specialties are needed in this competitive business industry where you’re constantly told you’re not doing enough. It puts you in a position of not wanting to continue, and wondering if you’ve made the right choice investing so much only for your career path to not go anywhere. At times, I am thinking the world is better off without me, or nobody cares. I have my moments where I wonder why God gifted me with the ability to create + be artistic, if the world sees no value in it? But again, as Christians say time and time again, God makes no mistakes.
I have been watching this relationship coach named Tony Gaskins for a long time now, and one of his messages that resonated with me at the right time is monetizing my God-given gifts. To sit on them + not do anything, will only give me a disservice. As they say, many are called but few are chosen. The way he has spoken on the concept of his 3 B’s (Brains, Brand, Body) also gave me something to think about, regarding me returning back to AEM. It had me thinking about giving my platform the treatment it deserves. It also had me thinking about what I bring to the table as a graphic designer.
Working with a business coach who provides effective + credible strategies is important. Of the 2 business coaches I invested in, I still haven’t gotten an LLC, nor a business EIN. When it comes to getting clients, it was less about consistently posting and more about reaching out through the DMs. People will argue that it’s possible if done right. However, I don’t count it as an organic way to get clients. Also, I constantly did services for free as a “passion project” for “exposure” purposes. There’s many more examples I can list as to why neither of my business coaches have been effective to my journey as a graphic designing business. However, it has also shown me that only I know what’s best for the direction of my business. I can’t pay someone else to figure out my direction for me.
Last but not least, GROWTH. The way you grow in your personal life, manifests in how you grow with your brand. You look at your content differently. You look at your onboarding systems differently. You look at the purpose of your brand differently. You look at how you can serve your clients differently. It makes you level up + have a different eye on the foundation you create to build from. I had this conversation with one of my design colleagues (Jade Renee from Luxx Media). Last year I will admit I didn’t want to have to start over. However, starting over will be the best decision for me to make if I want to evolve + be successful with what I’m doing. Because of the knowledge I have, the experiences I went through, and the expertise I’ve gained, I owe it to my brand to give it the treatment it deserves.
Not only has my journey been mental, it’s also been a spiritual one that shifts how I move aside from my brand.